Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Toe Rings

Toe rings are worn by many women these days. Actually, it is very much part of an Indian tradition. But nowadays, wearing toe rings is more of a style statement than a part of tradition. Married Indian women are expected to wear toe rings on both their feet. Indian women wear the toe ring on their second toe. The earliest references to toe rings can be found in the Hindu epic Ramayana. It is believed that when Ravana kidnapped Sita, she threw...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ways to Protect Yourself from Cellphone Radiation

It's official! Health experts are beginning to take the risk of cellphone radiation seriously, and the WHO's latest report confirms many peoples' suspicions about the risks of wireless technology. With this latest "news" in mind, preventative measures to limit your exposure to potentially harmful cellphone radiation have become all the more salient. So to be sure you don't regret the countless hours you've whiled away on your beloved cellphone,...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Annalakshmi Restaurant

18/3, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road | Near Rani Meyyammai Hall, Chennai (Madras) 600008, India SThe complete experience right from booking a table was wonderful. The good thing about the restaurant is that booking is mandatory; arrival time to the restaurant is confirmed during the booking and it avoids waiting for tables. Spacious parking is available which saves the fuss about locating a parking slot. The ambience inside the restaurant is serene,...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Reason behind Punishment

Remember the ‘good’ old Indian school punishments? Holding the earlobes with arms crossed over your chests, bending the knees and then sit and then stand and so on till the time Masterji is saying? Ever thought why the traditional Indian school teachers would give this particular punishment? I believe even majority of the teachers who grant this punishment to their students do not know the reason behind it. This form of punishment has been in...


An Advice to all who are worrying about fall of Indian Rupee. Throughout the country please stop using cars except for emergency for only seven days (Just 7 days) Definitely Dollar rate will come down. This is true. The value to dollar is given by petrol only.This is called Derivative Trading. America has stopped valuing its Dollar with Gold 70 years ago. Americans understood that Petrol is equally valuable as Gold so they made Agreement with...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Google AdSense - 3

If you are ready to start making a little extra incomefrom your website, there are a few things you need to know. Adsense can be extremely powerful when implemented correctly. Here are some easy Adsense tips that will give you great results. 1. Use Better Keywords Keywords are the bread and butter of all these earnings. If you’re using highly competitive keywords you’re not going to rank as well as if you were using lower competitive keywords....

Remedies For Sinusitis

• Raw vegetable juice is beneficial in treating sinusitis. Combine 300 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of cucumber juice, 100 ml of beet juice and 200 ml of spinach juice and drink on a daily basis. • Consuming fruits rich in Vitamin A is effective in sinusitis. One of the richest sources of the vitamin is mango. So, patients suffering from sinus should have lots of mangoes. Other food products rich in Vitamin A include pumpkin, leafy vegetables,...