Monday, July 29, 2013

The Way to Increase your Odds

ClixGrid is easy to play. Just click anywhere on the picture and win up to $10 that goes directly into your account balance! Each click will open up a sponsor's site that you will have to view for up to 10 secs. After this time has passed you will know if you are a winner or not. There is no secret winning links behind the squares. Nothing is behind the squares except for the advertisers ad link. Due to programming coding, every so often,...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Vasthu for Plants

Now a days Vastu is a cold poison that spreads all over the country. In the name of vastu the trees are going to be vanished. We have to take care of this unlawful mad nature of some bad humans decision. The vastu consultants who don't have much knowledge on vastu shastra says that "trees shadow should not fallen on house". Trees blesses us with more colour to the property, eyes cooling, look, smart, cool, royal touch, peace, cool shadows, particularly...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Things To Keep In Mind When Constructing A House

The right kind of construction of is built in south west corner of the plot.. It helps the positive energies flow and bring-in prosperity. Residents of such houses will always be happy, successful and abundant. Houses in such directions attract a lot of money. The importance of good foundations and structures can never be over stressed. According to Vastu, every good thing springs from the right structure of a building, whether for a house or...

The Oberoi, Bangalore

The Oberoi hotel is absolutely perfect. It's in the middle of the city, which when you're wandering around through dusty streets, sweltering heat, and you need a place like this to escape. The staff are delightful, nothing was too much trouble for any one and their service was all spot on. A few of the dishes on the menu over the weekend - pastas, salads and tapas. Definitely try the tapas dishes as they were fantastic! the barman made special...

Friday, July 12, 2013

For Pergnant Ladies

Couples who are planning to get pregnant should use the North-western room (main element Air) till the onset of pregnancy. Once the woman has conceived, she should shift to a North-eastern room. A pregnant lady must never have her room in the south east direction. It is a proven fact that heat has great repercussions in pregnancy. Anything that increases a pregnant woman’s core body temperature can increase congenital anomalies (during the...

Hilton Waikoloa Village - Island of Hawaii

This hotel is a perfect place for families and Beautiful property best suited. There are three main towers-- Lagoon, Palace and Ocean. Staying at the Lagoon which is convenient to the main pool and lagoon area. There is a monorail that takes you around the hotel as well as a boat but its really not that far of a walk. The hotel has its own lagoon which feeds into the ocean so it's a great place to learn how to snorkel. The pools...

ClixSence - King of PTC World

If you didn’t know PTC sites are websites that gives their members the opportunity to advertise their links or getting paid by visiting other people’s links. ClixSense was one of the first real PTC sites out there and they’re only growing stronger with age. I hope you’re ready because here is the review of a healthy & sustainable PTC site; ClixSense. You will get paid between 0.001-0.02 dollars for every link you visit. You can...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Four Seasons Resort Hualalai

Hualalai is a country club resort - I believe owned by Michael Dell. Part of the resort is The Four Seasons -- it is just mixed into the master plan of this beautiful community that is designed around lava fields. It is located on the Kona side of "The Big Island." It is just about 6 miles from the Kona International Airport.Enjoy staying in homes so that we can cook and not bother every day with breakfasts/lunches/dinner every day on...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Condensation of Water

Rain starts as water vapor that has evaporated from the surface of the Earth. At higher altitudes the vapor condenses to form the cloud. An additional change in temperature or pressure causes the vapor to condense and fall as a droplet of water or rain.  A simple experiment:  With proper supervision bring a pan of water to boil on the stove. (Boiling is rapid evaporation.) Hold a glass of ice water well above the pan. (not too close...

How to Make Money From Blogging

Advertising Banners By far the most popular advertising method so far in 2009. Website owners love this because they know they are guaranteed the money, other techniques such as affiliate marketing can go up and down a lot depending on what you promote. CPM Advertising This method is really popular for the website’s that receive a huge amount of traffic, advertisers pay you for impressions rather than sales or clicks! As long as you can predict...

Friday, July 5, 2013


Hinduism is the religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal. It also exists among significant populations outside of the sub continent and has over 900 million adherents worldwide. In some ways Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, or at least elements within it stretch back many thousands of years. Yet Hinduism resists easy definition partly because of the vast array of practices and beliefs found within it. It is also...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Buying a Plot? Just Watch....

According to Vastu Shastra, a plot or site of land should not be purchased. From WHOM?  From person suffering from leprosy From lunatics From those who became insolvent From people who have left the country, etc. As well as,  land donated to temple, alloted to watchman of village or colony, land in possession of charitable trusts, land without any title deed should not be purchased. Land containing boulders, ant hills, worm...

Vaasthu for Main Door

The most important part of a house is the main entrance, as the main entrance is known as the mouth of the house which brings energy inside the is always better to avoid buying property which has a door facing south-west direction. As negative energy enters the house from south-west direction and also brings in struggle and misfortune for the people who live in. Avoid a property which has a door facing South West as it is...

Some Tips for House

Allow a bright light on the main door. Avoid keeping a T.V. set in bed-room. Avoid keeping any water feature or plants in the bed room. The wind should come from south-west in the bed room. Dining-room should not expose to the front door of your house. Never put mirror in kitchen. Keep the broom and mops out of the sight in kitchen. Place a happy family picture in living room. The house should be fully airy and has enough water resource. One...

Gold Calculator

Discovering the value of your gold is an easy processClick Here Very Useful Calculation ...

Home Theater

Surround Sound Speaker Placement Front left and right speaker channels be located exactly 35 degrees to the left and right of the center. Left, Right, and Center speakers must all have equal distance to the listener position. Speaker height should be equal to the center of the video display height. Speaker aiming should be toward the center of listener seating position area. ...

Diet Chart


Monday, July 1, 2013

Benefits of Vastu Homes

The Ancient Indian Vedic Texts mention that living in Vastu Homes lead to the following Positive Effects:        1.  Good Health, Wealth and Happiness for Everyone.        2.  Increased Good Fortune, Good Reputation.        3.  Prosperity and Abundanc...

Vaasthu Fish

Flower horn is a man made hybrid ornamental fish. They are famous because people believe they bring good luck and fortune to the family. They are famous for their color pattern and their large forehead. Fish aquarium is a best remedial measure for any Vaastu defect. In a house, every object and direction has Vaastu significance. Placing them or constructing them according to the vaastu principles will make your life a serene one.A fish aquarium...

Vaastu VIP to the House

Vaastu shastra  is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five elements of nature. It is an edifice science that was developed by our learned people thousands of years...